The 21st Century Renaissance Youth Leaders Invitation Program 2004 Website



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Individual Report


Action Plan

As promised by the participants to bring some of their experiences back home and make some concrete commitment, several action plans were came out.

The Development and Education courses proposed possible collaborative projects related to each course aim as well as "Towards  Further Global Harmonization." Please see the list of the project proposed.

Management and PR courses were tasked to learn know-how’s and necessary information for carrying out the project proposed by the Development and Education course and by themselves,  by exchanging information and discussion in line with each course aims.

Some of the projects are having already on the first steps of implementation. Please refer to Country Project Proposal for update.

Development Course Project Proposal
Title: Website project for Ren2004 (for international mentoring, human resources, database etc.)
Objective:   Sharing the database/backgrounds of the exPYs for promoting post-program activities and individual future references etc.
Concept:     For Ren04 as a start point where the profile of the participants will be displayed on the website based on their expertise and qualification to be communicated in case of it is needed as database.  For example of the PY from X-country wanted some translation from English to Japanese etc.  The PY in Y-country can help him/her in that. This represents communication and global harmonization. This meant to be a reference for the participants of Ren04. For future plan, what we are aiming is to extend this project among Ren, SSEAYP and SWY exPYs for post and future programs.
Title: Making technology accessible
Objective:     Giving people in developing area access to computers
Promote community development with Alumni members
How does it work:     From time to time enterprises change computers due to technology changes. The used computers are sometimes sold but sometimes thrown away. The idea of this project is to collect these old computers and give them to poor communities instead of throwing them away. The government of local level will provide the facilities to implement the project.

This project involves collaboration between 3 different sectors: NGOs, companies and local governments

Title: Meaningful Holidays for Alumni Members
Objective:   Provide volunteer opportunities for alumni members during their visit to REN participating countries

1. Visiting PY get in touch of host Alumni Association (AA) for their planned visit and possible outreach activity that they can get involve with.
2. The host AA arranges for outreach activity through tapping the community where they have existing collaboration. If they do not have such, the host AA connects with an organization which could either be an NGO, an Local Government Unit (LGU) or a community which acquire volunteer assistance in the area of expertise or interest of the volunteers


1. Alumni Association
2. NGO and/or LGU and
4.  Business sector – sponsorship for materials needed (e.g. medicine, medical supplies, housing materials, etc.)

Education Course Project Proposal
Title: Activity 1: Educational material exchange
Objective:   Organize the youth in our community to participate in the exchange or donation of materials for educational purposes

Contact local educational institutions or individuals that would donate/need to be interested in exchanging materials, as for example maps, books, tourism information, technology

Expected results:
  • Promote intercultural understanding among students from different backgrounds
  • Increase the available resources for educators in order to promote intercultural understanding among their students
  • Allow the reuse of materials
Needs, tools:
  • Technical support to place requests
  • Delivery service

Activity 2: Email or snail mail PENPALS

Develop a system to link penpals, so youth from around the can foster friendship and increase their understanding on world issues
  • Locate institutions and individuals interested in participating
  • Make this information public
  • Facilitate the contact among interested institutions
  • Follow up the communication of different institutions that joined our penpal system
  • Technical support (computers, website)
Expected results
  • Help increase communication skills
  • Promote intercultural understanding among students from different backgrounds
Title: Activity 3: Community participation

Promote involvement and participation in local community by linking potential volunteers with organizations that work in our community.

  • Identify organizations that perform voluntary work in our communityLocate young people interested in getting involved
  • Invite active volunteers to present their organizations to these young people
  • Facilitate communication among representatives of institutions and potential volunteers
  • Visiting local institutions to share experiences
  • Circulate information on NGOs, community agencies and volunteer organizations involved in community work
  • Facilitate activities that cover culture and international subjects
Expected results
  • Young people wanting to perform volunteer work at their community can have a reference of what is done in their community
  • They would be motivated by others experiences